Friday, December 14, 2012

Politically Correct Holiday Stories: For An Enlightened Yuletide Season

Product DetailsBy James Finn Garner

Garner tackles the need to correct traditions for modern times.  As usual, he pokes fun at the sanity of those who create a "offensive in-offending" holiday season.  Some stories were a bit heavy handed, but others shone. 

The book begins on a high note, with a correction of Twas the Night Before Christmas.  Santa meets a family that doesn't know how to enjoy anything -- no Santa, no presents, no treats, and the children try to "liberate" Santa's reindeer.  I laughed out loud at the last line, " Happy Christmas to all, but get over yourselves!"  The Christmas Carol parody drags a bit, but having Frosty the Persun of Snow march on Washington, and Rudolph forming a reindeer union were clever.

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