Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin
Reading Level: 7.0
AR Points: 11 Points
In 1959, the white author transforms himself using medication and dye in order to live as a black man in the South. His travels begin in New Orleans, wends through various small Southern towns, and ends up in Atlanta, while he tries to discover how blacks are really treated.
I thought this was a fascinating book. I still cannot fathom the reasoning behind "separate but equal" treatment... especially when Griffin can't find a decent hotel or cafe that will serve blacks, let alone a "colored" bathroom. Whites who think they are unprejudiced are too afraid to help blacks when racists are around, and trust between the races is almost non-existent.
Another mind-boggling part of this story was the reaction of his hometown in Texas once Griffin returns home & publicizes his book. The racists even anonymously threaten his mother! I guess this isn't surprising to anyone who lived through the Civil Rights Movement of the '60's... I'm just grateful that I never had to witness this cruelty and unreasonable hatred.
***** 5 Enlightening Stars