Meg Lanslow is 8 and 1/2 months pregnant with twins, and is trying to get some rest amid a house full of dispossessed students, various relatives, computer programmers, a Spanish playwright... and a dead body. Dr. Wright has been poisoned and knocked on the head, and there is no end of suspects.
I wanted to enjoy this book, but things kept popping into my mind: Why does her mother wait until it's total chaos & Meg's due date to redecorate the nursery? Why can't her mother back off already? Why is it okay for a heavily pregnant woman to have so much constant commotion that she can't even take a nap? I can't believe that Meg didn't snap & start killing people herself! And instead of her husband trying to help make things easier, he's practically non-existent... he shows up occasionally to ask someone to find her a chair. I know Meg's family is supposed to add quirkiness and comic relief, but it's old. I don't know why I keep reading these books.
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