Written in 1938, Anthem tells the story of Equality 7-2521, who lives in a dark future, where individual thought is punished and society dictates every aspect of life.
Before I read the publication date, I thought this story was just a ripoff of 1984. I realized that this novel is actually the first statement against socialism & communism. Several reviews I came across wrote that the story is too simplistic, too obvious. But this was published on the eve of WWII, when people were blindly following whatever leader promised the most. The German people DID stop thinking for themselves, and they thought nothing was wrong with punishing others, restricting movement, and anything else that their leaders told them was for the good of society. If they disagreed, they disappeared.
We need to be constantly reminded that the individual spirit should be celebrated, not eliminated. When I think of what a blessing it is to live in a country where I can have an opinion, or even drive a car by myself, I am thankful for freedom. On the flip side, people shouldn't try to convince me that my "old-fashioned" beliefs are stupid. Disagreeing with someone, as long as it's not hateful, can still be a good thing.
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