The author explores several leaders throughout modern history, using the link between mood disorders and ability to govern during a crisis. Leaders include Lincoln, Churchill, Gandhi, JFK, & Hitler. The book attempts to discover possible issues, like bipolar disorder, and whether these leaders' supposed mental problems helped them to more effectively make crucial decisions.
What could have been an interesting topic quickly dissolves. Nassir obviously worships JFK so there's no way he can be objective. He glosses over Kennedy's affairs like they were just side effects from steroid & testosterone shots --- give me a break. Plus, to say that Nixon was not mentally ill, just an egotistical decision maker is pretty silly compared to the stretches he takes to prove that Lincoln was naturally depressed (forget about his sons dying & his wife being certifiable)! Hitler wasn't mad, he was just medicated too much! Truman was "normal", World War Two was basically over when he took office, so thank heavens he never had to deal with a crisis (never-mind those pesky nuclear bombings)! Blech
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